The ETDRS Study shows

Diabetic Retinopathy

The need for early intervention in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy is undisputed

Early detection of retinal photography is the key to early treatment.

Visual symptoms are an unreliable indicator of the presence of eye problems, and are an indicator of more advanced retinal changes. Retinography’s goal is to facilitate annual diabetic retinopathy screening by connecting patients, diabetic care doctors and screening sites. Photo-screening is the gold standard, and the most cost-effective; way of screening for diabetic retinopathy.

The Value of Automated Screening

Early detection of diabetic retinopathy is the first step to early treatment. Early treatment has been shown to reduce the risk of severe visual loss by 90%. Every patient with diabetes should be undergoing annual retinal photo-screening

Automated Screening

  • makes this possible,
  • standardizes the quality of screening and
  • keeps screening affordable, and hence accessible.


Retinography SA facilitates screening by

  • Connecting doctors to their nearest Screening Site
  • Connecting patients to their nearest Screening Site
  • Providing support to Screening Sites
  • Providing a forum for ongoing medical education
  • Retinography SA does not charge any fees for these services.